Thursday, 17 November 2011

End before the beginning

Neva's Legend Obolensky (Lenya) thats me! - would like to announce that he has today been neutered - I'm a little confused right now - and feel a little lighter in weight for some reason - but Mum says that it is for the best - and that I will enjoy the life I deserve at Chantaris as a very pampered puss. It apparently means that Chantaris have some changes in plans - but that really doesn't mean much to me - and really I'm not that fussed, providing I get sufficient quantities of rabbit and chicks, my favourite treats - and lots of cuddles.

Scotland has even begun to grow on me - the language I am getting used to - and I hope it snows - as I really want to feel what that is like 'underpaw'.

So keep following our Blog - and my Mum will update you with all that is new - and even all that is old (that's her!!) -


Lenya xx

Thursday, 13 October 2011

So Proud - Poppy achieves TICA Quadruple Grand Champion Title - 3 shows and 1 year old!

Photo above taken with TICA AB Judge, Aline Noel Garel.

Poppy doing her Meerkat impersonation!

Poppy looking wistfully at the Clerks table in Sue Hart Jones's Ring

Well, its been some time since we posted, much has happened in our family over the past weeks. We travelled to the EW Regional Show in Bracknell in August, and Poppy achieved Double Grand Champion - we were so proud of her. It was a lovely show, and super to see Tavolga Sibaris again and also meet the very handsome Lyndongraey Riga.

Our weekend was lovely - and we collected TICA RW SGC Musrafy Caledonia Mist's Awards for the previous Show Season, and these are now proudly displayed here at home.

Last weekend we travelled to Solihull to the Bengal Cat Club of Great Britain Show, and again had the pleasure of seeing Tavolga Sibaris - who had Supremed at Swanley Show. Also to meet Musrafy Yanara and we had the pleasure of 'running' her on the Saturday - which was a great experience.

Poppy had a lovely weekend, she loves the hotels, and behaved very well in the Show Ring - even though she was chatting most of the time to the Judges. She came home as TICA Quadruple Grand Champion - and we are so so proud of her. We never expected it, and can only thank her Judges very much for their awards, and also for the very positive comments, which we have received on our White Siberian breeding program. It augers well for the future.

Thank you to all of our friends for their best wishes and congratulations - its lovely to have the support of you all.

Showing Solid Siberians is tough, and the Solid White is difficult for sure - but we love them - and with our plans - we hope that we can bring a good solid foundation into these beautiful cats - Plans, of course are just that, plans - but we can only hope that they will come to fruition.

Congratulations to our Princess -


Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Our first Chantaris Title!

Having had a break from showing for a few months, we found ourselves wanting to support the Northern TICA Show at Altrincham, but with little to show. So we decided to take 'our Poppy'.

We had a lovely show, and it was wonderful to meet Tavolga Sibaris of Snowgum - who had just arrived from Moscow, and who did fantastically well, finalling in 9 out of 10 Rings, including 2 Best Cats. Our congratulations again to Meadow (which is her new name) and to Melanie at Snowgum Siberians - Meadow is beautiful, and will go from strength to strength. It was a pleasure to share the Show and to be beaten by this beautiful Siberian.

Poppy had a great time, both in the hotel and at the Show, and finalled in 3 out of the 10 Rings - which we really hadn't expected at all. She even beat the male Siberian on the Sunday in 3 of the 5 Rings for 2nd Best of Breed! Given that he was a Brown Spotted Tabby, it was nice to see the Judges felt that a Solid White was good enough! The comments we received from the Judges were very positive indeed, and it gives us great hope for the future of our Solid White Breeding Program.

Poppy achieved her new Title -


We are very proud of her, and are thrilled, albeit surprised!

She joins her mother -

TICA Champion Meldgaards Darya Darinja

who are the only Solid White Siberians in UK and TICA EW Region to hold a Title. It makes us very proud to be owned by them, and we would like to thank both Laila and Milkana for the opportunity we had to have Darya and Ataman (Poppy's parents). Without these cats, none of this would be possible.

Thanks to everyone at the Show for making it a super weekend, and especially to Melanie and David, lovely to see you both again, and meeting Ethan was a thrill - he's a super boy - who'll break many hearts :)

The weekend was tinged with sadness, and we would like to pay tribute to RW SGCA Flutterby Dashing Hussar (Louis), owned by Steve and Janet - who was taken ill early on Sunday morning, and who unfortunately lost his fight for life later that afternoon. No words can express our feelings - he was a most wonderful boy - and at 2 years old - so very young. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this heartbreaking time.

Monday, 30 May 2011

From Moscow with Love.......................

Well, after months of waiting - we are happy to announce that our new boy - NEVA'S LEGEND OBOLENSKY - has arrived in the UK. Our thanks to Valeria for agreeing to let him come to Scotland - we are delighted!

We will update photos once he has settled.

Obolensky will bring a further outcross to our lines - and we hope that he will be happy here in Scotland.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Been quiet - but lots happening!

Well, I've been very lax at posting, and have been busy - what with David deciding to try his hand at being Alan Titchmarsh and doing some splendid gardening - we now have an abundance of vegetables and herbs growing here - and just trying to catch up with things needing to be done.

May 2nd saw Kirov's 4th Birthday - which he celebrated in style, having a lazy day (as usual) coupled with mad half hours every so often.

May 25th saw Darya's 2nd Birthday - and she's developed so nicely since having her babies - maturing very well, and she's very special to us.

We have no kittens at present, but we do have plans -

I'll post up some photos later -

Meantime, thank you for visiting the Chantaris Blog!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Chantaris Poppy Pomfrey - 6 months old!

Well, the Hogwarts are now 6 months old - and I thought I'd post a photo of 'our Poppy' - gosh it was difficult to get her still for long enough! She was desperately trying to pounce on the toys - but I managed to snap her - and so here she is - She's so sweet, with a wonderful nature - although she can be naughty - but we really are very happy with her. She's great fun, and her Mum seems to enjoy her company too!

Wednesday, 30 March 2011


Well today is a very special day - it is the Birthday of our wonderful boy - ALTAI!! 3 years old today. Still just a kitten.

Hopefully he will have a lovely day playing with his friends, and enjoying watching the beautiful rain we have!

We would like to wish him lots of love - and thank his breeder Maria for allowing us the pleasure of owning this stunning boy.

Monday, 28 February 2011

Introducing - TICA Supreme Grand Champion Musrafy Caledonia Mist of Chantaris

Well - after one week - we have finallly managed to compose ourselves and we can't tell you how proud we are to announce that Cali has achieved the ultimate goal -


We are absolutely thrilled - and to be honest - it was all very emotional at the NaturallyTICA Show in Elsecar last weekend.The standard of cats was excellent and once again Cali found herself up against 'the big boys' with Fahlberg Blue Diamond there in his glory - the most fabulous persian and a true 'showman'. On Saturday there were 4 Siberian adults - all amazingly in the Traditional Silver/Smoke Division. Cali took Best of Breed in all Rings. On Sunday there were 2 Siberian adults - although unfortunately the other entry was 'pulled' as he was very upset. I hope that he has recovered now - as it was sad to see him clearly unhappy. I was busy 'running' a kitten for Maria - and for one Final - David had taken Cali to the Ring - I was suddenly told by Fiona that Cali was going to get Best Cat - as the 2nd place had been announced and she was the only cat left! I just rushed to the end Ring and was able to see her being presented - and burst into tears. Thank you to Clint Knapp - judging here in the UK for the very first time - and as I told him afterwards - he is welcome back anytime!! To everyone there, in that Ring - to Maria, Diane, Delsa and Phil. Erwin and Katherina, the 3 Maine Coon owners - thank you for your congratulations! They meant a whole lot. To Stef and Claire - thank you - and Claire - sorry to have gotten you a 'tad' wet with tears! The Final although a Speciality Ring - with 24 cats present - had 9 Finalists - including 3 Maine Coon's. There was one Maine Coon girl and Cali - and the rest of the cats were all male. So - to have achieved Best Cat over those boys - is absolutely wonderful - and I just keep thinking about that day - it was surreal - and something which you don't necessarily think will happen.

Cali is now the first Supreme Grand Champion Female Siberian in Western Europe (EW) Region. The first Supreme Grand Champion Female Siberian - Laska Onix Gloria of Musrafy - earned her Title when we were part of Europe North - but there are only two females with this Title in the UK - and its wonderful to have achieved this - after Laska who is Altai's Mum! We are so very proud of our girl - and our heartfelt thanks to Maria Bunina - her breeder - for allowing us the priviledge of owning Cali and for the happiness she brings us each day - She's an uncomplicated cat who is 'laid back' and placid - and a joy to own.

Although we are in Scotland and as such - have Isolated Status with TICA - Cali has Supremed with more points than she requires to Supreme in Non-Isolated Status - i.e., she could live anywhere - and would still be Supreme. I think that is important to point out - as I know that many are unhappy with the split of the UK - as I myself are. Unfortunately - we must abide by the Rules of TICA - but we are thrilled her points totals for the 4 Shows she has been at - enable her to have the points required anywhere in the world.

At 16 months old - we couldn't have asked for more - and in truth - she has given us more than we'd ever thought possible.

Congratulations Cali - you are a star!

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

White Glory

Photo of Poppy - first thing on Sunday morning - watching exhibitors arrive!

Well, belatedly we wanted to update you with our exploits with the White babies at the Newbury Show. YES - we decided to 'bite the bullet' and enter them - and so Poppy, Armando and Salazar duly travelled with Cali to Newbury. They were amazingly good in the car on the journey - but having plenty of room to stretch out and enjoy the passing scenery seemed to help. They loved the hotel, and were totally cool, calm and collected after the journey.

So to the show - Saturday morning - arrived early for Vetting In. No problem - and thank you to Karen the Vet for her lovely handling of the kittens and Cali.

We found there was another White Siberian kitten entered, a Brown Classic tabby and also a Blue Mackerel Tabby - such a pretty colour! So - we hoped that the showing experience would be good and that they wouldn't be too stressed or upset. Well - Salazar was an absolute idiot - meowing and crying - and wanting to get down on the floor in the Judges Ring - just to get off and play. Armando was a little more relaxed and amendable - and Poppy was just Poppy - doing what the Judge wanted and looking at the Judge and trying to 'curry' favour! Then when back into the 'holding' pen - she would sit and look and stare at the Judge and lift one paw as if to say 'pick me'.

We had a really nice weekend, and the kittens results are as follows -

Poppy - 2 x Best of Breed and 1 All Breed Final
Armando - 4 x Best of Breed and 2 Speciality Finals

Salazar - Dunce's Cap - but a prize for being the loudest Siberian at the Show!!

Right now - we've no plans to show them - but as with everything - plans can change.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Cali - never ceases to amaze us.

Well, we took the long trip to Newbury last weekend to the Cattica show. It was lovely to be there once again - as I missed it last year, even though David managed to go with Altai. Great to see old friends, and make some new ones along the way. We had a lovely 3 night stay in the Hilton - and thank the Club very much for negotiating (as usual) a wonderful rate!

Cali - did us proud - finalling in 9 out of the 12 Rings. Amazing - given the quality of the cats being shown right now. Some gorgeous persians and especially Fahlberg Blue Diamond of Riascatz (Marie Hill) - the most wonderful cat! Some stunning Maine Coon, Exotics and Bengals of course. Not forgetting Gracie - who we'd not seen in a while - a most gorgeous Turkish Van. Way to go Gracie - Supreme Grand!!

Our thanks to Cali's judges, for their care in handling, and for allowing her into their Finals.

A quick snap of Cali - first thing Sunday morning - hall pretty much empty - with the exhibitors starting to arrive and Cali wondering what on earth she is doing there - out of bed - ungroomed (as yet) and not exactly 'raring to go'...........

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Our Poppy!

Well, we've been quiet, but have been very busy - and have been tied up with different things both cat and non-cat related. So we thought we would just post and say 'Hi' to everyone and announce that Poppy - Chantaris Poppy Pomfrey - will stay with us here at Chantaris. As our first born Siberian kitten - she is very special - and so it is right that she stays with us. She's a real character - and has the sweetest nature.

Here she is Christmas Day - being good - she's not always like that!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

So - the Christmas Tree - is for????

Well, I know we all have our own kinds of Christmas tree, and we all decorate them differently, and have different 'takes' on how best to dress them - but the Hogwarts decided that they'd add a little somethiing to our tree this year - the results are.............well - you'll see for yourself.

Just to add - there was no power available when these photos were being taken - and absolutely NO Christmas trees were harmed in the taking of these photos!! Well - ok - it was rather wrecked - but then again - isn't that what having kittens is all about - the fun and the mayhem which ensues!!!

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year
Best wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Successful 2011

We wish all of our friends and visitors
'A The Best'!!