Well, today Darya is celebrating her First Birthday!! We'd like to wish her a very Happy day - and she clearly feels that careering around the house chasing her friends is the 'way to go'.
Its amazing to think that last year at this time she was just born - and that at that time - we'd no idea that we'd have the priviledge of owning this lovely girl.
We wish her a very Happy Birthday -
Well, its official - we have Title Confirmation - and we are very proud of her - having only been in UK now for 8 weeks -
Well done - and enjoy your 'fun in the sun' - where she is lolling around today - happy as can be.
We've got super sunny weather - hopefully its likewise for you - wherever you are.
Have fun!
Well, its Birthday Boy Kirov - 3 today. He's having a relaxing day - having spent the earlier part of the day in the cat run lying in the sun - but now he needs a sleep - and is curled up on the Catrix.
Its lovely to look back at photos and see how he has developed - and matured - and to be honest - he still seems just like a baby. He's brought us so much happiness and fun - and we wish him a Very Happy Birthday.
His crazy bike photo is back on show again - as its one of the funniest things he's ever done.
I hope everyone has a lovely day.